3.1 Branding
3.1 Branding
How to add branding to the Roboshadow portal
*Before you can utilise the branding feature, you Must be subscribed to the Professional plan at minimum. If you won an organisation that has a license of professional or enterprise, you will have access to branding in all of your organisations*
Log into the RoboShadow portal
Once in the portal click on your name in the top right.
In the drop-down section click 'Branding'
You will then be presented with the below page
to upload your company logo, click ‘upload logo’ in the top left of the screen.
After clicking ‘upload logo’ your file explorer will pop up and ask you to select the image you would like to set as the logo
once you have uploaded your logo, click the dropdown box next your company name and then select the logo you uploaded
After clicking your logo this will automatically apply to your account and update the image in the top left of the RoboShadow portal