Troubleshooting issues with the RoboShadow Agent not reporting into the portal:
Confirm the Windows service RoboShadowAgent is running on this device.
Take a screen shot of the registry parameters and values at these locations: a. Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RoboShadowLtd\Rubicon\Agent
b. Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\RoboShadowLtd\Rubicon\Control
c. Copy and share the entire DeviceId seen in the registry.Check the Windows Event Viewer logs for any errors for the RoboShadow Agent:
a. Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Application > Actions panel on right-hand side “Filter Current Log …” > Event Sources “RoboShadow Agent” > Click OK.
b. Save the event logs and send along with the above information to
Agent Rescan
The RoboShadow Agent will rescan as follows:
Every 12 hours the device is online.
On machine restart.
Restarting the RoboShadowAgent Windows Service.
If the device is licenced (Control Enabled) in Cyber Heal, you can trigger via the Rescan button.
When a Cyber Heal command is sent to a device, a rescan command is sent after the command is complete.
You can view Cyber Heal command history for a device here: > click the right-hand arrow next to a device > Commands tab.