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Must be on on macOS 10.14.6 or higher

Download and run the installer:

First, download the installer onto a Mac device from the following link:


Follow the steps as shown in the the wizard.:



completed, The helper Wizard Enter in the Organisation ID

The Organisation ID Wizard below should startup automatically, If this does not happen open Finder got go to applications, You should then find “RoboClientMac” in the application list and launch the app from there, this will start the Organisation ID Wizard helper:


The Add the correct permissions for RoboShadow

Assuming the Organisation ID Wizard popped up automatically the helper will then ask you to enter an Organisation ID to link it to an organisation within the portal. Your browser will automatically copy the Organisation ID when you downloaded the file. If it doesn't, you can get this from the RoboShadow Portal in the Organisation Section (link below):


After this has been done, It should then ask to be granted access to the drives .so that RoboShadow can get the data it needs:


You will need to then need to grant the RoboClientMac application Full Disk Access as below:


Please note you will need to go through the First Run Helper Wizard all the way to the end and click Done

image-20240925-101857.pngImage Added

Once the setup has been completed, the RoboShadow agent can be seen under the list of active services :

image-20240819-151843.pngImage Removed

And will appear in the portal after a few minutes. Mac Devices can be found under the Mac Tabs within the device engagement pages within the portal.

image-20240819-154624.pngImage Removed

Optional: Updating the Organisation ID

If you need to update the Organisation ID at a later date, this information is stored in the setup.cfg file found in /Users/Shared/com.roboshadow/setup.cfg

Open the file with a text editor and update the Organisation ID


There is an uninstall file that must be run to correctly remove the agent. It can be found:




The log file (rcl.log) will be generated when the agent is run for the first time, and updates every subsequent run.

It should be located in: ~/Library/Logs/com.roboshadow.roboclientmac/rcl.log

But depending on how the agent was installed may be: Applications > Utilities > Console > Log reports > rcl.log instead.

Code Block
in ~/Library/Logs/com.roboshadow.roboclientmac sits the logfile rcl.log, it contains the logdata from each run

If debugmode in /Users/Shared/com.roboshadow/setup.cfg is set to true, it should create a file on the desktop as 'Dump-<random digits>.json’ when it has run.

That is what it sends to the portal.

You cannot launch it manually from the Finder as it requires the privilegies required from being launched by launchd.

But, you can launch it using launchctl

sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/com.roboshadow.roboclientmac

Old way: Logging needs to be enabled in the com.roboshadow folder

Logs will then appear at the below location: ~/Library/Logs/com.roboshadow.roboclientmac/

How to access files on most Macs

Click the finder Icon:


To go to folder Structure click finder > select go from menu >


The select computer (this is also where you can find out the Mac’s Computer Name.

Then select the Disk Icon (It is usually untitled unless the user has named it)

You will be then given the 4 main directories:

  • Applications

  • Library

  • System

  • Users

Here you can browser whatever folder you like

Uninstall RoboShadow




..when the client is run as below:

Checking your RoboShadow Mac Agent Runs (or how to resync data)

Please note that the RoboShadow process will only be seen in Activity Monitor for a short while periodically in order to sync the Data. Select the app from applications in the Finder and then quickly go to the Activity monitor to check it runs (be quick because if you blink you could miss it):

Go to the Finder and select Applications > RoboClientMac


The very quickly check the Activity Monitor (how to do this is also below) check to ensure the client fires, you may need to go back to the Finder and launch the application again if you dont think you were quick enough.

Please note that this is how you can force RoboShadow to resync.


To get to the activity monitor click the finder icon and go Applications >Utilities >Activity Monitor:


Check you see the new Mac device appears in the RoboShadow portal

It should appear in the portal after a few minutes. Mac Devices can be found under the Mac Tabs within the device engagement pages within the portal. The example below is the hardware section:
