5.12 PSA - ConnectWise
ConnectWise Integration Documentation
Credentials Requirements:
ConnectWise Site: Example (http://eu.myconnectwise.net )
ClientId: ClientId can be obtained from Connectwise developers network. https://developer.connectwise.com/
Example: (8279d3bb-570r-6ej9-olk7-7532m1j0e5c1)
PublicKey: Public Key for the API
PrivateKey: Private Key for the API
Custom Settings:
BoardId: Choose the Board
CompanyId: Choose the Company Id
Permission for the Api Role Permission:
Service Tickets- Add Level, Edit Level, Inquire
Company : Inquire
Table Setup : Inquire
For Client-Id
Go to Connectwise Developer Networks
Get/Create ClientId
For API Create
Permissions for the API
For Company
Inquire -ALL
For Service Tickets
Edit- ALL, Create- ALL, Inquire- ALL
For Tables Setup
Inquire -All and add customisation